Keyword Index


  • Access A Comparative Study of the Confidentiality of Deceased Persons’ Medical Information [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 269-300]
  • Adequate cause Legal-Jurisprudential Analysis of Fraud Rule with Emphasis on the Article 526 of Islamic Penal Law Approved in 1392 [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 221-248]
  • Advocacy A Review of the Completion of Commercial Documents in Iranian Law with a Comparative Approach in the 1930 and 1931 Geneva Conventions and the 1988 UNCITRAL Convention [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 249-278]
  • Article 141 of the Labor Code A New Analysis of the Characteristics, Distinctions and Types of Employment Contracts from the Perspective of Changes in Labor Relations and Human Dignity [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 265-296]
  • Article 23 of the Law on Amending Checks Article 23 of the Amending Law of the Check Issuance Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Article 45 of the amendment Reference of Amendment Article 45 of Anti-narcotics Law to Criminal Jurisprudence: Restriction or Development of Strict Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 123-148]
  • Article 7 of the Labor Code A New Analysis of the Characteristics, Distinctions and Types of Employment Contracts from the Perspective of Changes in Labor Relations and Human Dignity [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 265-296]
  • Axioms The nature and place of legal Axioms and their applications in Iranian criminal law [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 27-51]


  • Breach A Comparative Study of the Confidentiality of Deceased Persons’ Medical Information [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 269-300]


  • Case Law The Nature of Digital Product Transactions in the Legal System of the United States with an Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 217-247]
  • Challenges Challenges Ahead of Human Rights Development in International Investment Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 91-122]
  • Child A Comparative Study of the Extent of Child’s Privacy in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Child’s Privacy A Comparative Study of the Extent of Child’s Privacy in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Citizen of nation A Review of Legal Nationality-Citizenship System in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-89]
  • Citizen of non- nation A Review of Legal Nationality-Citizenship System in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-89]
  • Citizenship Rights The Condition of Environmental Law Education and Notification in Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-25]
  • Civil Liability The Foundations of Responsibility for the Production and Supply of Defective Medical Equipment in Iranian and EU Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 125-152]
  • Civil Liability A Review of the Civil Liability of Portfolio Management Companies in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 25-53]
  • Commission of Civil code The Role of Seyed Mohammad Fatemi Qomi in the Codification of Iranian Civil Code [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 123-149]
  • Completion A Review of the Completion of Commercial Documents in Iranian Law with a Comparative Approach in the 1930 and 1931 Geneva Conventions and the 1988 UNCITRAL Convention [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 249-278]
  • Confidentiality A Comparative Study of the Confidentiality of Deceased Persons’ Medical Information [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 269-300]
  • Constitution The Limits of the Independence of the Constitutional Council (Administrative, Employment and Organizational Independence of the Constitutional Council) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 215-235]
  • Contract Area Adaptation of Unitization Agreements of Inland Adjacent Petroleum Resources with the Requirements of Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 67-95]
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child A Comparative Study of the Extent of Child’s Privacy in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Cooperation Comparative Feasibility of the New Sudan State Obligation to Hand Over Omar Al-Bashir to the ICC [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Crime construction Analysis of the Theory of Media Representation of Crime in News and News Reports [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-186]
  • Criminalization The Crime of Human Trafficking; Conceptual Contraction & Expansion with Emphasis on the International Human Rights System [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 39-65]
  • Criminalization Inclusive Criminal Titles and Their Legal and Criminological Challenges in Iranian Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 237-268]
  • Cultivation Analysis of the Concept of Justice and Induction of Ways to Achieve Justice of Intuition from Jurisprudential Sources [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-33]


  • Deception Legal-Jurisprudential Analysis of Fraud Rule with Emphasis on the Article 526 of Islamic Penal Law Approved in 1392 [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 221-248]
  • Description of the event From Describing the Fact to Issuing a Judgment in ICJ Procedure [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 171-199]
  • Digital product The Nature of Digital Product Transactions in the Legal System of the United States with an Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 217-247]
  • Dimension of Negligence Feasibility of the Comparison of the Concept of Criminal Fault in Iran with Dimensions of Negligence in England [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 53-82]
  • Disclosure A Comparative Study of the Confidentiality of Deceased Persons’ Medical Information [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 269-300]
  • DNA Portion of Expert in Application & Evidencing by Helpfulness Science (Comparative Study in Iran, USA & French Legal Systems) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 153-181]
  • Drugs Reference of Amendment Article 45 of Anti-narcotics Law to Criminal Jurisprudence: Restriction or Development of Strict Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 123-148]
  • Due Process An Investigation into the Characteristics of Due Process [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 149-170]


  • Economy of proceeding An Investigation into the Characteristics of Due Process [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 149-170]
  • Effectivity Critical Study of Separation of Law and Morality in Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Obligation [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 201-235]
  • Embryo The Essential Requirements of Validity of Uterine Transplant Contract in Light of Islamic Law [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 35-70]
  • Environmental law The Condition of Environmental Law Education and Notification in Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-25]
  • Execution Cancellation Article 23 of the Amending Law of the Check Issuance Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Expedited proceedings An Investigation into the Characteristics of Due Process [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 149-170]


  • Financial demands of the employee The Legal Nature of the Funds Paid to the Survivors of the Deceased Employee from the Perspective of the Relationship with the Estate and Inheritance [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 169-196]
  • Fit Portion of Expert in Application & Evidencing by Helpfulness Science (Comparative Study in Iran, USA & French Legal Systems) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 153-181]
  • Formal positive law The Intuitive Positive Law of Georges Gurvitch and the Uselessness of the Notion of Natural Law Thinking About How to Solve the Antinomic Challenge of Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 97-124]
  • Foundation A Comparative Study of the Condition of Expelling Some of the Endowments in Iranian Law and Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 279-304]
  • Free Evaluation Portion of Expert in Application & Evidencing by Helpfulness Science (Comparative Study in Iran, USA & French Legal Systems) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 153-181]
  • Function Strict Compliance Requirement in a Will: A Comparative Study of Iranian and American Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 249-278]


  • Gamete The Essential Requirements of Validity of Uterine Transplant Contract in Light of Islamic Law [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 35-70]
  • Georges Gurvitch The Intuitive Positive Law of Georges Gurvitch and the Uselessness of the Notion of Natural Law Thinking About How to Solve the Antinomic Challenge of Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 97-124]
  • Global regulation The Challenges of Nanotechnology Regulation: Time to Move towards Global Regulations [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 183-212]
  • Global threats The Challenges of Nanotechnology Regulation: Time to Move towards Global Regulations [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 183-212]
  • Good appearance Analysis of the Concept of Justice and Induction of Ways to Achieve Justice of Intuition from Jurisprudential Sources [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-33]
  • Goods The Nature of Digital Product Transactions in the Legal System of the United States with an Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 217-247]
  • Good Science Portion of Expert in Application & Evidencing by Helpfulness Science (Comparative Study in Iran, USA & French Legal Systems) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 153-181]


  • History of civi law The Role of Seyed Mohammad Fatemi Qomi in the Codification of Iranian Civil Code [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 123-149]
  • Human dignity A New Analysis of the Characteristics, Distinctions and Types of Employment Contracts from the Perspective of Changes in Labor Relations and Human Dignity [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 265-296]
  • Human Rights The Crime of Human Trafficking; Conceptual Contraction & Expansion with Emphasis on the International Human Rights System [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 39-65]
  • Human Rights Inclusive Criminal Titles and Their Legal and Criminological Challenges in Iranian Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 237-268]
  • Human Rights Challenges Ahead of Human Rights Development in International Investment Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 91-122]
  • Human trafficking The Crime of Human Trafficking; Conceptual Contraction & Expansion with Emphasis on the International Human Rights System [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 39-65]
  • Human trafficking Inclusive Criminal Titles and Their Legal and Criminological Challenges in Iranian Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 237-268]


  • ICC Comparative Feasibility of the New Sudan State Obligation to Hand Over Omar Al-Bashir to the ICC [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • ICJ procedure From Describing the Fact to Issuing a Judgment in ICJ Procedure [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 171-199]
  • Ifsad fi al-arth Reference of Amendment Article 45 of Anti-narcotics Law to Criminal Jurisprudence: Restriction or Development of Strict Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 123-148]
  • Impact The Impact of the Relation between Litigations in Jurisdiction and Proceedings [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 187-216]
  • Independence The Limits of the Independence of the Constitutional Council (Administrative, Employment and Organizational Independence of the Constitutional Council) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 215-235]
  • Intention Strict Compliance Requirement in a Will: A Comparative Study of Iranian and American Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 249-278]
  • International Arbitration Challenges Ahead of Human Rights Development in International Investment Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 91-122]
  • International Investment Law Challenges Ahead of Human Rights Development in International Investment Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 91-122]
  • International Law The Challenges of Nanotechnology Regulation: Time to Move towards Global Regulations [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 183-212]
  • Internet Disputes The Determination of Seat in Alternative Online Dispute Resolution Methods [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 111-139]
  • Intuitive positive law The Intuitive Positive Law of Georges Gurvitch and the Uselessness of the Notion of Natural Law Thinking About How to Solve the Antinomic Challenge of Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 97-124]
  • Investment Treaties Challenges Ahead of Human Rights Development in International Investment Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 91-122]
  • Investor A Review of the Civil Liability of Portfolio Management Companies in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 25-53]
  • Iranian Criminal Law The nature and place of legal Axioms and their applications in Iranian criminal law [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 27-51]
  • Islamic Consultative Assembly The Limits of the Independence of the Constitutional Council (Administrative, Employment and Organizational Independence of the Constitutional Council) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 215-235]
  • Islamic jurisprudence A Comparative Study of the Extent of Child’s Privacy in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Islamic state A Review of Legal Nationality-Citizenship System in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-89]
  • Issuing a judgment From Describing the Fact to Issuing a Judgment in ICJ Procedure [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 171-199]


  • Junk Science Portion of Expert in Application & Evidencing by Helpfulness Science (Comparative Study in Iran, USA & French Legal Systems) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 153-181]
  • Jurisdiction The Impact of the Relation between Litigations in Jurisdiction and Proceedings [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 187-216]
  • Just and fair process An Investigation into the Characteristics of Due Process [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 149-170]


  • Law Critical Study of Separation of Law and Morality in Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Obligation [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 201-235]
  • Legislative initiative Comparative Study of The Process of the Legislative Initiative and its Effective Components with Emphasize on the Legislative Audience [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 71-100]
  • Léon Petrazicky The Intuitive Positive Law of Georges Gurvitch and the Uselessness of the Notion of Natural Law Thinking About How to Solve the Antinomic Challenge of Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 97-124]


  • Means of proof From Describing the Fact to Issuing a Judgment in ICJ Procedure [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 171-199]
  • Media Analysis of the Theory of Media Representation of Crime in News and News Reports [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-186]
  • Media representation of crime Analysis of the Theory of Media Representation of Crime in News and News Reports [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-186]
  • Medical Information A Comparative Study of the Confidentiality of Deceased Persons’ Medical Information [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 269-300]
  • Method of codification The Role of Seyed Mohammad Fatemi Qomi in the Codification of Iranian Civil Code [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 123-149]
  • Morality Critical Study of Separation of Law and Morality in Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Obligation [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 201-235]
  • Moral Relativism Critical Study of Separation of Law and Morality in Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Obligation [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 201-235]


  • Nanomaterials The Challenges of Nanotechnology Regulation: Time to Move towards Global Regulations [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 183-212]
  • Nanotechnology The Challenges of Nanotechnology Regulation: Time to Move towards Global Regulations [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 183-212]
  • Nature and Place The nature and place of legal Axioms and their applications in Iranian criminal law [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 27-51]
  • News reports Analysis of the Theory of Media Representation of Crime in News and News Reports [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-186]


  • Obstacle The Status of Islamic Law in Transaction with Dissolving Condition [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 237-264]
  • Online Arbitration The Determination of Seat in Alternative Online Dispute Resolution Methods [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 111-139]
  • Online Dispute Resolution The Determination of Seat in Alternative Online Dispute Resolution Methods [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 111-139]
  • Online Mediation The Determination of Seat in Alternative Online Dispute Resolution Methods [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 111-139]
  • Online Negotiation The Determination of Seat in Alternative Online Dispute Resolution Methods [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 111-139]
  • Organized crime The Crime of Human Trafficking; Conceptual Contraction & Expansion with Emphasis on the International Human Rights System [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 39-65]
  • Organized crime Inclusive Criminal Titles and Their Legal and Criminological Challenges in Iranian Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 237-268]


  • Performance Bond Specific Provisions of Car Defects in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 1-24]
  • Portfolio manager A Review of the Civil Liability of Portfolio Management Companies in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 25-53]
  • President Comparative Feasibility of the New Sudan State Obligation to Hand Over Omar Al-Bashir to the ICC [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Pretense A Comparative Study of the Conceptual Realm of Pretense in Islamic Law and the Investigation of its Reflection in Iranian Criminal Law [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 197-220]
  • Principles The nature and place of legal Axioms and their applications in Iranian criminal law [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 27-51]
  • Privacy A Comparative Study of the Extent of Child’s Privacy in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Procedural equality An Investigation into the Characteristics of Due Process [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 149-170]
  • Procedural law An Investigation into the Characteristics of Due Process [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 149-170]
  • Proof Strict Compliance Requirement in a Will: A Comparative Study of Iranian and American Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 249-278]
  • Proportional Security Article 23 of the Amending Law of the Check Issuance Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Public Interest A Comparative Study of the Confidentiality of Deceased Persons’ Medical Information [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 269-300]


  • Realization of right Analysis of the Concept of Justice and Induction of Ways to Achieve Justice of Intuition from Jurisprudential Sources [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-33]
  • Redetermination of Tract Participation Adaptation of Unitization Agreements of Inland Adjacent Petroleum Resources with the Requirements of Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 67-95]
  • Resolution Comparative Feasibility of the New Sudan State Obligation to Hand Over Omar Al-Bashir to the ICC [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Return of Check Carcass Article 23 of the Amending Law of the Check Issuance Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Right The Nature and Effects of Anticipatory Ownership in the Jurisprudence of Emamiyeh and Iran’s Statute Laws [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 141-167]
  • Rights of Future Generations The Condition of Environmental Law Education and Notification in Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-25]
  • Rule of Capture Adaptation of Unitization Agreements of Inland Adjacent Petroleum Resources with the Requirements of Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 67-95]


  • Security Council Comparative Feasibility of the New Sudan State Obligation to Hand Over Omar Al-Bashir to the ICC [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Selected model A Review of Legal Nationality-Citizenship System in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-89]
  • Seyed Mohammad Fatemi Qomi The Role of Seyed Mohammad Fatemi Qomi in the Codification of Iranian Civil Code [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 123-149]
  • Shortcoming Feasibility of the Comparison of the Concept of Criminal Fault in Iran with Dimensions of Negligence in England [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 53-82]
  • Slavery The Crime of Human Trafficking; Conceptual Contraction & Expansion with Emphasis on the International Human Rights System [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 39-65]
  • Slavery Inclusive Criminal Titles and Their Legal and Criminological Challenges in Iranian Criminal Policy [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 237-268]
  • Social Security Act The Legal Nature of the Funds Paid to the Survivors of the Deceased Employee from the Perspective of the Relationship with the Estate and Inheritance [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 169-196]
  • Stock exchange A Review of the Civil Liability of Portfolio Management Companies in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 25-53]
  • Strict compliance requirement Strict Compliance Requirement in a Will: A Comparative Study of Iranian and American Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 249-278]
  • Sudanese State Comparative Feasibility of the New Sudan State Obligation to Hand Over Omar Al-Bashir to the ICC [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Supplier Specific Provisions of Car Defects in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 1-24]
  • Suspension of Execution of Judgment Article 23 of the Amending Law of the Check Issuance Law [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 1-38]


  • Theory of customary A Review of the Civil Liability of Portfolio Management Companies in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 25-53]
  • Thesis of Normativity Critical Study of Separation of Law and Morality in Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Obligation [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 201-235]
  • Thesis of Separation Critical Study of Separation of Law and Morality in Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Obligation [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 201-235]
  • Three-tiered Test The Nature of Digital Product Transactions in the Legal System of the United States with an Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 217-247]
  • Transplanted uterus The Essential Requirements of Validity of Uterine Transplant Contract in Light of Islamic Law [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 35-70]
  • Typical Standard or Personify Standard Feasibility of the Comparison of the Concept of Criminal Fault in Iran with Dimensions of Negligence in England [Volume 13, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 53-82]


  • Unitization Agreement Adaptation of Unitization Agreements of Inland Adjacent Petroleum Resources with the Requirements of Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 67-95]
  • Unit Operating Agreement Adaptation of Unitization Agreements of Inland Adjacent Petroleum Resources with the Requirements of Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2022, Pages 67-95]
  • U.S Law The Nature of Digital Product Transactions in the Legal System of the United States with an Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 217-247]
  • Uterine donation The Essential Requirements of Validity of Uterine Transplant Contract in Light of Islamic Law [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 35-70]


  • Vehicle Specific Provisions of Car Defects in Iranian Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 1-24]


  • Will Strict Compliance Requirement in a Will: A Comparative Study of Iranian and American Law [Volume 13, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 249-278]
  • Witness Analysis of the Concept of Justice and Induction of Ways to Achieve Justice of Intuition from Jurisprudential Sources [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-33]