Specific Provisions of Car Defects in Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in private law, Mazandaran University

2 Professor at Mazandaran University


When the consumer buys a new car but encounters a defect in it, he will have the right to refer to the manufacturer. According to the law for the protection of car consumers' rights, approved in 2007, the guarantee for the implementation of a car defect will be: the right to repair and then the right to exchange or refund the price. But in the civil law, in relation to the general seller, only the right of exchange and then the right of termination is mentioned. The Consumer Protection Law divides defects into three categories: manufacturing defects, design defects, and warning defects. Does this performance guarantee apply to all three categories of vehicle defects, including design defects, production defects and warning defects? Can the buyer seek a performance guarantee without requesting a repair? Replacement warranty does not apply to vehicle design defects and repair warranty does not apply to design defects in some cases. The buyer is obliged to request a repair first, and if the repair is not successful or it is not possible, he will go to the guarantee of other performances. The guarantee of price rejection, due to market fluctuations, alone, cannot compensate the losses incurred by the buyer. It is not possible to request repairs or terminate them under civil law. Contrary to the research that has been done so far and has discussed the performance guarantee in general and in all goods, in this article, in a more specialized and detailed way, the performance guarantee only in the car will be examined. Also, one of the novelty points of this research is the simultaneous review of the guarantees of the performances in the civil law and the law of protection of car consumers' rights.


  1. الف) فارسی

    - کتابها

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