The Legal Nature of the Funds Paid to the Survivors of the Deceased Employee from the Perspective of the Relationship with the Estate and Inheritance

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in private law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran,


The legal nature of the funds paid to the legal heirs of the deceased employee in accordance with the regulations, in terms of not considering them as part of the deceased's estate and consequently excluding the provisions related to inheritance or considering them as part of the deceased's estate and consequently following the inheritance rules and the effects on it are debatable in terms of the ability to seize against the debt of the deceased employee. In this article, the answer to the question of which of the funds paid to the survivors of the deceased employee is not inherently part of the estate and is excluded from the provisions related to inheritance and according to the rules, equally or as predicted belongs to the eligible survivors of the deceased and which of them is inherently part the deceased's estate and divided according to the rules of inheritance, is expressed. Research findings show that part of the payments to the survivors of the deceased employee, such as salary, end of service reward and life insurance, which is not part of the deceased employee's estate is excluded from the provisions related to inheritance and according to the relevant laws, equally belongs to the surviving eligible survivors. Part of the payments, like the funds related to the financial demands of the employee during his / her service and life, includes overtime, incentive funds, productivity rewards, mission fee and reserved leave of absence funds, is inherently estate and subject to special inheritance provisions. This issue is examined in the present article using library and documentary sources and by descriptive and analytical methods.


  1. - کتاب‌ها

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    4. جعفری لنگرودی، محمدجعفر، ارث، (تهران: گنج دانش، ، چاپ 2، 1369).
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    6. طباطبایی مؤتمنی، منوچهر، حقوق اداری، (تهران: انتشارت سمت، چاپ 10، 1384).
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