Jury in Civil Actions

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, University of Maragheh


The jury is a group of different classes of the community who work as representatives of public opinion in dealing with claims. Although this institution has been accepted in most legal systems, in rare cases, its admission is limited to criminal cases and it doesn’t apply in the civil proceedings. However, in some legal systems, including the United States and Australia, the jury is also foreseen in civil cases. In this paper, we will study the position and the positive function of the jury in civil proceeding in the legal systems that have accepted the jury in civil cases and possibility of the acceptance of the jury in the legal systems of Iran. One of the important effect of the jury is the deterrence and encouragement aspect of that in tort cases in the legal system of United State.


  1. منابع و مآخذ

    الف) فارسی

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