The inheritance is considered to be one of the possessions of the Islamic law and the Iranian Civil Code

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Payam Noor University

2 Graduated Ph.D. in Private Law, Payam Noor University

3 Assistant Professor of Payam Noor University


The wife of the couple in the Imamiya has a special attribute. This feature is the product of following the followers of the Imam's religion from the narrations attributed to their infallible imams. Accordingly, the wife does not contribute to the amount of her property of all the property and the couple. The significance of the deprivation of the wife from the inheritance of the real estate and immovable property has been stated that the wife may, after studying, resign her land share, and reciprocate the entry and intercourse (new couples) among the heirs, and the prejudice to the inheritance. The findings of this research suggest that some of the documented narratives of the infallible Imams have been based on specific times and circumstances that nowadays the demands of the time have led to a new cause, according to which the wife could inherit all of the couple's domicile.
The current and existing requirements for social, cultural, political, educational, research, and economic empowerment of women in the Islamic society of Iran include a change in the standards of their related sentences, and will change the sentences by changing the criteria. Among the changes in the rules of the judgments about women, it is understood that the quality of the heritage of the wife is a matter of quality. On this basis, the quality of the wife's inheritance, like the legacy, is to be eliminated and the current deprivation of the wife should be eliminated. So that the wife inherits all the property and the couple. Such an attitude would agree with the appearances of the Holy Qur'an.

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ب) منابع عربی

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ج) مجلات

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