The Criteria for Identifying Attribution of Damages to the Relevant Construction Engineers

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Private Law, Tabriz University.


Article 517 of Islamic Penal Code provides details of civil liabilities and responsibilities of the construction Engineers, who collaborate in devising processes to satisfy employer’s requirement. The construction engineers need to be liable for their actions since their negligence could lead to irrecoverable damages. In this sensitive process, engineers are responsible for their actions and their negligence in their responsibilities can lead to painful and irreparable damages. The above article stipulates that, in case of charge of damages to responsible engineers, they shall be culpable for civil liability. But, on how and on what measures does the court decides such a charge in order to make a reasoned verdict without ignoring the 333 civil law is the question we are in search of an answer. This is the question of our paper and so its answer can justify preferring of Engineer liability to owner liability. In this paper, we relying on some jurisprudents and regulations and sometimes with referring to scientists comments that present criteria for elimination of some ambiguities in these areas .These criterions are: Domination of Engineers to building workshop, Engineers’ obligation to result and Legal obligation of Engineers as to important criterias in determining of causation link between building accidents and engineers behaviors. 


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