Protection of private ownership right of foreign investors from the perspective of Islamic law, Iran and international law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Islamic and Islamic Law Department of Tehran University, Tehran

2 PhD in Private Law, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad,

3 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Tehran University of Justice,

4 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad


Today, one of the most important factors for attracting foreign investments is protecting the ownership of the foreign investor in the host country. The lack of respect for the foreign investor's ownership and the fear of violating it in various forms of expropriation, nationalization, confiscation and seizure of property has been the biggest concern for international commercial law. The present article, by explaining the status of private property, seeks to answer the question of whether the protection of the right to own foreign investors in the Islamic and Iranian legal system has been identified as a rule and principle. It is also desirable to know how to protect this right, while investigating the issues of sharing and differentiating in Iranian and international law in order to find out its weaknesses or strengths. The findings of this research, through library and analytical descriptive studies, show that the private property rights of foreign investors, in accordance with Islamic and Iranian law, can be fully respected. Meanwhile, Iran's law in relation to the strategies of protecting the rights have benefited both from Islamic teachings and has brought it closer to international law, So that the violation of the private property right of foreign investors will have a responsibility for the government.


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