A Legal Analysis to Verdict Containing Contradiction Relied on Contradictory Principles

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Law, Isfahan University


A Judge’s reliance on contradictory principles in issuance of a verdict
causes the verdict to become a “verdict containing contradiction relying
on contradictory principles” and become exposed to new trial. Despite
many scientific, practical and analytic difficulties in exploring examples
exactly fitting the above-mentioned notion, there are some examples
among the articles of law regarding contradictory judgments and
principles. Non-hiddenness of the evidence of suit, awareness of the
plaintiff of the new trial of the existence of evidence, expiration of new
trial period on hidden or non-noticed evidence and solvency are some
examples of such principles. These principles usually overlap partially,
but they cannot overlap completely. Such a verdict contemplates wrong
imposition of burden of proof in lawsuit. Not only Civil Procedure Act
but also other acts such as Commercial Code contain such principles.
Mere existence of contradictory principles within a verdict cannot
change such a verdict into a “verdict containing contradiction relying on
contradictory principles”, but some conditions have to be observed
within that verdict. Hence, the mentioned verdict is necessarily an
example of the verdict containing contradiction and both principles must
be used and relied on.


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