Solving The Major Challenges in Trade Secret Litigations by Eliminating the Controversy of the implementation of two rights; Fair Litigation and Preserving Confidentiality of Information

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Islamic and Islamic Law Department of Tehran University

2 Associate Professor of Private Law, Payam Noor University, of Tehran

3 Ph.D. Student of Private Law, Payam Noor University of , Tehran


< p >The enforcement of law on trade secrets in courts has consistently faced three major challenges: the risk of losing a fair trial, the risk of losing trade secrets and the difficulty of discovering the reality of dispute from defendants of the litigants. In trade secrets litigation, these challenges have led to a conflict called "the conflict of rights or duties of the parties to the dispute". In the current research, the provisions in advanced legal systems such as the United States, the European Union and Germany have been adopted to resolve this conflict. "Elimination of the subject of conflict" that is possible in various ways, and in most cases it is compatible with the current Iranian judicial system has been proposed as a solution.


  1. فارسی

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