An Investigation of Employment Status of Labourers Employed in Public Sectors

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Tabriz Azad University


Codifying the governing regulation on employment relations of labours employed in government sectors is one of the current issues  is labour and official emoluments. The present research initially indicates  the legal maxim involving labor law and focuses on the case of employees within the government sectors as an important exception in the above-mentioned maxim. Moreover, regarding the fact that this exception only involves the public servants and not the labours within this sector, the attempt has been made to demonstrate palpable criteria for the segregation of labourers and public servants by the assistance of  juridical laws and policies as well as general legal laws. The research proceeds to the employment status of some other public servants within the government sectors which are not governed by any employment law but some employment regulations govern them which are ratified by the Cabinet or other ministries. The attempt is to clarify the employment law system governing those institutions and public servants who are beyond the working law or in which both parties of labourers and public servant are employed. The aim of this research is to explicate the ambiguous status of some parties of public agents and the results indicate which parties due to falling under some special employment law or regulations do not fall under labour law, and which parties of public and government servants are labourers and consequently fall under labor law.


یک- منابع فارسی
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ب) قوانین و مقررات
16- قانون کار جمهوری اسلامی ایران.
17- قانون مدیریت خدمات کشوری.
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ج) آراء دیوان عدالت اداری
23- رأی شماره 187 هیأت عمومی دیوان عدالت اداری مورخ 2/11/1372.
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دو- منابع خارجی
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