Comparative Assessment of Environmental Diplomacy Discourse and International Criminal Law in Preventing Environmental Crimes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Arak University

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch


Despite great advances in international environmental law and an increased understanding of endangered core values, the response to such catastrophes remains focused on non-criminal solutions. Threats from environmental hazards are rapidly evolving and it seems that within the framework of promotional tools, threats can be altered into opportunities during the commission of environmental crimes; Although there have been significant strategies such as organizational response like Interpol at the international level or specific regulations at the national level to curb environmental crimes, there is also a need for approaches, including environmental diplomacy as a tool can be effective. In fact, this structured tool can be very effective in coordinating government interactions in decision-making on tackling environmental crime. Of course, in the light of the documents of international criminal law, especially the Rome Statute, It is possible to consider the state and territory of the environment and the manners to protect it; However, international protection of the environment to prevent crimes against it, especially through criminal means, requires a global consensus on interactions and the establishment of environmental diplomacy on the global stage.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی

    - کتاب‌ها

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