Data Trust, a Mechanism to Manage the Interests of Data Beneficiaries:Guidelines for the Data System in Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Private Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran

3 Ph.D. Student in National Security, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran


Data is one of the most valuable assets of the digital age, which is meaningful, valuable, and strategic, whether aggregated or separately. Data has led to a huge transformation in data-oriented industries and businesses such as artificial intelligence, and advertising, and the creation of giant businesses such as data processing and brokerage. In addition to industrial and economic aspects, data is related to privacy since it represents the characteristics and states of different individuals. The current model of data governance does not serve the interests of multiple data stakeholder groups. The consent-oriented structure for data collection and processing does not ensure the privacy of individuals. In addition, this structure does not allow the free flow of data due to the concentration of data resources in the hands of limited groups (Tech giants). Data Trust is a recently proposed model for data governance and management. Whether the use of the common law trust institution for this purpose is adaptable and useful is the main question of the current research. It seems that despite the existing challenges, due to: first, the flexibility of the structure and the adaptability of the elements to the players of the data industry, and second: the formation based on the fiduciary relationship between the trustee and and the beneficiaries, it can be a suitable option for the data governance method. be considered in The current research, the information is collected by the library method, first, the background of the trust institution is examined and then, the applicability and functions of this institution are studied in the field of data; Finally, the current position of the relevant regulations in Iran's legal system is analyzed in comparison to data trust and the necessity of adopting a neutral mechanism for managing personal data is emphasized.


  1. الف) منابع فارسی

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