Right to Persuasion; A Perspective on Comparative Studies of Jurisprudence and Citizenship Rights

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran

2 PhD in Public Law, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan Branch


The converging and diverging duality of "legitimacy" and "acceptance of the social context" establishes the judicial and legal obligation or at least the moral obligation based on internal persuasion. In fact, acting on the basis of valid reasons is something differing from external coercion or fear of legal punishments and social pressure in the implementation of governance programs and approaches, and in the meantime, it states a right for the citizens and a duty for the government. This descriptive-analytical writing based on library studies, proceeds to establish the foundations and evidences of the right to persuasion in public law, as the sovereign right and introduction (suspended against) the formation of duties in relation to the government and citizens (including in the field of legislation and Qada). This right is a superior concept than the right to access information, and as a consequentialist right, it can base the binding of laws and judicial rulings on something dissimilar to force, based on soft power; As the require of persuasion, in the application of interpretation principles such as innocence and companionship in the domain of governance (as opposed to the individual and religious domain), as a limiting principle, it regulates the rank and scope of the application of verbal and practical principles. In addition, the right to persuasion can show the objective effectiveness of the government at the threshold of public opinion.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) منابع فارسی

    - کتاب‌ها

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