A Comparative Analysis of Normative Bases of Clean Hands Doctrine

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Private Law, University of Tehran


In common law legal systems as well as transnational soft laws (such as transnational commercial law, international arbitration law, etc.), this general principle is accepted that the violation of parties in the matter related to the dispute may lead to depriving them of their right to hearing their lawsuits. This principle is called the principle of prohibition of invoking one's illegal act in continental Europe, and in Common Law, which is the origin of the legal rules related to this principle, it is called the Theory of Clean Hands. Recently the issue of acceptance of this theory in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence has been raised by several authors, And as a ritual rule, various bases have been presented to justify it. In the present article, the authors are trying to analyze the foundations of this theory and philosophically explore its basic norms. Some consider the agenda of this principle as the moral norm of the necessity of protecting the moral integrity of the courts, Some consider the norm of "You are the same" as its basis. The mentioned moral norm prevents people from complaining and protesting against those who commit a similar or related offense to what the complainants/protesters have already committed.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) منابع فارسی

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