Comparative Analysis of the Theory of Extrajudicial Replacement of the Oblige Infringer in the Law of France and Belgium and the Possibility of its Implementation in the Law of Obligations in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Private Law, University of Tehran



The usual way to oblige the delinquent obligee to do the work is to appeal to the court judge and file a case to issue a final judgment and also file a case to execute the judgment (prior actions of the judge) and the delinquent obligee may still refrain from doing the work during the execution of the judgment. In this assumption, by resorting to Article 237 of the Civil Law and Article 47 of the Law on the Execution of Civil Judgments, under the supervision of the litigant, the obligee or another will carry out its execution and collect its costs from the obligee. This method is erosive and expensive and harmful. The research question is whether there is a possibility of extrajudicial replacement of the obligee in breach by the obligor or not? We examined the answer to the question by proposing and explaining the theory entitled extrajudicial replacement of the obligee in breach in the modern law of obligations of France and the law of obligations of Belgium and while introducing the theory, the conditions and scope of its implementation were examined. In Article 1222 of the New Civil Code of France approved in 2016, the French legislator has provided for the possibility of replacing the obligee in violation. With the conducted studies, it is possible to propose a theory and the capacity to implement it in Iran's law of obligations, and the attractiveness of implementing the replacement theory is the elimination of the erosion process or the judge's previous actions and its high economic efficiency.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی

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