A Study of the Elements of Trespass to Land in the Common Law System: A Comparative Study with Forcible Entry and Usurpation in Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor University of Qom

2 Ph.D. Candidate in private law at University of Qom


Land under human ownership has a special place and importance in all legal systems and the legislator provides important protections for this property by observing certain conditions. The rights of Islam and the common law also attach special importance to land and have protected the owner and occupier in various civil and criminal regulations. The legal establishment of Trespass is one of the most important issues of tort law in the common law system in this regard, one type of which is Trespass to land. Although this legal establishment does not exist in Iranian law with such a title, by careful evaluation and recognition of its elements, it can be claimed that its contents can be found in the institution of forcible entry and usurpation in Iranian legal system. Since Trespass to land has a long history in common law judgments, by analyzing and comparing the elements of these three institutions, one can identify the commonalities and differences between the elements and responsibilities arising from each in the two legal systems and the achievements of this. Due to its long history, the regime used domestic property lawsuits to promote domestic law. This article analyzes and compares the elements and responsibilities of these three legal institutions after examining the elements of each of the trespass to land in the common law system and the forcible entry and usurpation of Iranian law


Main Subjects

  1. الف) منابع فارسی

    - کتاب‌ها

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    ب) منابع عربی

    - کتاب‌ها

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