Analyzing the Impact of Religious Activists on the International Climate Change Law Regime

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Public International Law, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch

2 Associate Professor of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz

3 Assistant Professor, Maragheh University


Influenced by the dominance of secular discourse over the rule of law, the dominant view in international law has been the removal of religion from legal relations (as a normative factor). But gradually, especially since the second half of the twenty-first century, more diverse theoretical and practical views have emerged on the relationship between religion and international law. In this regard, the legal regime of climate change in its development years has always been influenced by influential social forces in the process of climate dialogue. Countries, groups, organizations, and individuals with religious authority or representation of a belief system have increasingly been able to engage in climate dialogue through the lens of faith. This article tries to provide an analysis of how this range of social forces of the international community affects the legal regime of climate change in terms of the historical tradition, social reference groups as well as influential religious figures.


Main Subjects

  1. - کتاب

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