Dual Status of Civil Liability of Hospitals and Medical Centers for the Losses Incurred on the Patient in Iran and Antecessor Law Particularly French Law

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, University of Tabriz


Civil liability of the hospitals can be studied from multiple perspectives. Here is the analysis of the civil liability basis of hospitals and medical centers towards patients in Iranian Law and antecessor law particularly French law. Article one of Civil Liability Code, sixth chapter of Islamic Penal Code, in the discussion of "the causes of liability", considers civil liability based on fault.  Judicial precedent 94/10/29 of the Supreme Court also concludes the controversy, about civil liability and explicitly considers fault as a condition of civil liability. In French law, according to Article 1240 Ordonnance n°2016-131 du 10 février 2016 - art. 2 of the Civil Code (articles 1382 and 1383 previous), a civil liability is based on fault, and, as a result, civil liability of medical centers is also subject to the general rule, but requirements and interests in some areas can dampen the authority of the fault theory in the field of civil liability and the mentioned liability can be based on risk theory. This attitude in the French law was reinforced, particularly by the law of March 4, 2002 relating to patients' rights and quality of health system. The purpose of this article is to declare instances of spoken category with an emphasis on French law and the possibility of exercising it in Iranian law.


Main Subjects


    الف) فارسی

    - کتاب‌ها

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    10. صفائی، سیدحسین، دورۀ مقدماتی حقوق مدنی، ج 1، (تهران: انتشارات میزان، 1394).
    11. صفائی، سید حسین و رحیمی، حبیب‌اله، مسئولیت مدنی (الزامات خارج از قرارداد)، (تهران: سمت، 1391).
    12. قاسم‌زاده، مرتضی، الزام‌ها و مسئولیت‌ مدنی بدون قرارداد، (تهران: میزان، 1390).
    13. کاتوزیان، ناصر، الزامات خارج از قرارداد، (تهران: انتشارات دانشگاه تهران، 1374).
    14. کاتوزیان، ناصر، حکومت قانون و جامعۀ مدنی، (تهران: انتشارات دانشکدۀ حقوق و علوم سیاسی دانشگاه تهران، 1385).
    15. کاتوزیان، ناصر، فلسفه حقوق، ج 3، (تهران: شرکت سهامی انتشار، 1377).
    16. وکیو، دل، فلسفۀ حقوق، ترجمۀ جواد واحدی، (تهران: نشر میزان، 1380).



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